> My machine has been doing the high flashing rate occasionly for some 
> time now, but when start to flash quickly I tap the board lightly, 
> and it goes back to normal.
>  I just put it down to a faulty connection somewhere.
>  The snag is I have to leave the cover off.
>  Arnold
I got a very helpful reply from Nasta on this subject and although 
it's still not sorted, it does tend to point to a connection fault or 
short circuit somewhere, which backs up Marcel's suggestion.

I plugged the Qubide into the spare slot on the MPlane (I hadn't 
realised it's upside down compared to the other slot!) and the problem 
remained. So that seems to have eliminated an Mplane slot fault as the 
source of the problem.

For now, I've given up. What I've done is to plug my romDisq into the 
EPROM slot in the minisql, wire up the hard disk LED to the pair of 
pins furthest from the gold connector on romDisq and copied the 
SuperHermes Lite keyboard extensions into it. This way, I can get most 
of my programs and extensions into RomDisq and do routine work from 
floppy disk.

Not the most satisfactory solution (I'd rather have the Qubide and 
hard disk working!) but it'll do in the short term.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help.

Dilwyn Jones

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