So when are you going to include George Gwilt's changes which enable SMSQE to 
be assembled with QMAC or Gwass?

This will open up SMQE to other improvements which are needed.

On Tuesday 20 February 2007 09:00, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> On 20 Feb 2007 at 8:02, Roy wood wrote:
> > SMSQ/E is an open O/S. Anyone can have the code and anyone can make
> > changes to it so long as they
> > a) submit them to Wolfgang for vetting
> > b) ensure that the changes do not adversely affect other parts of the
> > O/S
> > c) can be made compatible with all other versions of SMSQ/E (if they are
> > hardware specific code must run on other systems to ensure that software
> > based on the changes will not completely crash just return a message
> > stating why it does not run)
> Actually, the licence is a bit different:
> In a nutshell, and without this affecting the licence at all:
> Liberties :
> You can get the source code, I mean, heck it's on the website...
> You may make ANY change you wish to it.
> You may distribute the source code with your changes to whom you want (with
> a restriction of how, physically, the distribution is made, i.e. only via
> direct email or via CDROM). You do not have to submit your code to me at
> all if you don't want to.
> Restrictions:
> ONLY I may distribute binaries, and I only give them to the resellers.
> The version I distribute is the official version, any other source code
> version is unofficial. If you want your code included in the official
> version, then, true, I do try to vet it, to weed out code that would be
> incompatible with all machines bar one (unless justified by the specific
> capailities of the machine), code that seems to be buggy etc.
> (As an aside - this has never happened, all code submitted to me has been
> accepted).
> I do recommend to the resellers that they only support official versions,
> but they do what they want.
> AFAIK since the time I became registrar, all resellers have made the
> updates available completely free of charge to all those who had bought a
> version of smsq/e!
> As for the rest, all those myriad programmers who would have done things if
> the licence were different and all those projects that would exist but for
> the licence, as a very personal note, all I can say it -  talk is cheap.
> On the other hand, SMSQ/E HAS progressed, thanks to Marcel, of course, but
> not only him:
> Bruno Coativy
> Fabrizio Diversi
> Phoebus Dokos
> George Gwilt
> Jerome Grimbert
> John Hall
> Marcel Kilgus
> Mark Swift
> Thierry Godefroy
> Per Witte
> have all contributed....
> Wolfgang

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