Rich Mellor wrote:
> I agree with your comment George, however, I wonder how many people might
> be interested in working on smsq/e if they could easily compile it on a  
> non-68020+ environment.  Q-emuLator can run SMSQ/e Gold Card (it does not  
> support 68020+) at least and it could possibly generate sufficient  
> interest to persuade people to look at changing some of the other QL  
> emulators to support SMSQ/e.
Surely the ideal scenario would be to make the SMSQ/e platform as 
accessible as possible, I personally have several QLs, one gold card and 
an emulator that supports SMSQ/e. If I could get it to compile I'd be 
more than happy to spend some time tinkering with the sources and seeing 
if anything good came of it.

Yes, it would be good to get some of the other emulators to a stage 
where they would support SMSQ but how many other emulators are actually 
actively supported now?

> However, the main problem is that people are not willing to spend money in  
> order to improve their systems.
> QPC2 is by far the best emulator available, and has the best support  
> available, but alas, people are looking to get as much as they can for  
> nothing and not recompense the authors for all their hard work.
It's not about not wanting to recompense the authors - if I had the 
money to do so I would gladly hand it over. Some people are in a 
situation where they don't have spare cash to lay out on hobbies. I have 
the hardware already and have had for years - just because I spent money 
on the hardware an age ago doesn't mean that I have money to spend on 
software now.

I would love to be able to just stump up the cash and buy a copy of QPC, 
buy a copy of QMAC and all the rest of the stuff I need to get going - 
the money just isn't there though. I suspect that there might be a lot 
of other people out there that if it was easy to develop for SMSQ or 
QDOS then they would.

I know I keep harping on about it but take another look at the spectrum, 
the best emulators for that Fuse (for linux) and Spin (for windows) are 
both free. Someone can download one of those, then go to the world of 
spectrum website and download all the applications they need to start 
developing for it. The same can't be said for the QL. I suspect that's 
one of the reasons why there are so few people developing software for 
the QL.

> Maybe some of the other emulators will be adapted to support smsq/e and  
> high resolution / colours, but somehow I doubt the free ones will.
This is precisely what I'd like to achieve with QDOS Classic on the 
amiga - it seems though that it's never going to happen, and not for 
want of trying.

> I just wish I could find a way of bringing QWord to the PC games market as  
> people are willing to pay for good games, but they would not want to  
> purchase a full QPC2 just to be able to run it.

What was Qword written in? Basic? You could try porting it to something 
like Dark Basic for the PC.... Though it has to be said that although 
people in the PC world are willing to pay for good games, there are so 
many good games out there (especially for Linux) that are free that to 
pay for something it needs to be exceptionally good!

Just my 2p as usual!


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