
Why do we have have a split, I have both emulators and native hardware.

I have never understood, why I can not have it all... I suppose you 
could call it supporting the hardware and software developers.


Roy wood wrote:
> I am in the process of organising the talks at next month's Quanta AGM 
> and I was hoping that Chris Cave would be able to come along and give a 
> talk about 'C' programming on the QL but he I, unfortunately, unable to 
> attend on that day. One thing that occurred to me, as a result of the 
> discussions on this list over the past weeks, was to have a debate about 
> native QL versus Emulation.
> And in the red corner we have.....  well could it be you?
> I am looking for two people to volunteer. One to stand up and put the 
> case for native hardware and one to do the same for emulators. It would 
> not need to be a long dissertation. We could then throw it open to 
> discussion. How about it?  I think it could be very interesting.
> If anyone else would like to tackle the 'C' on a QL subject please let 
> me know.
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