Why all this mole business at the heart of Quanta, have you got a 
vendetta against them


gwicks wrote:
> I have had another idea about the activities at the Hove show.
> For some time now we have been promised an all new, whistles, bells and 
> ribbons, updated Quanta website. This is near to fruition as Quanta has 
> found a webmaster, although he will only officially take up his duties at 
> the AGM. However I understand from my mole in the heart of Quanta that work 
> on the site is well advanced.
> Surely Hove is a good opportunity to give us a live preview. Much more 
> interesting to see the thing in practice than having to listen to promises 
> during the AGM.
> It is also a good chance for Quanta to show off some real gains that are 
> being made. Quanta's publicity for the electronic version of its magazine 
> has been abysmal - QL Today has given better coverage - and let's not repeat 
> poor publicity with the website.
> MESSAGE FOR ROY: Could we please have more details over the Saturday night 
> dinner? Starting time, for example. Thanks in anticipation,
> Best Wishes,
> Geoff
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