On 18 Jun 2007, at 09:47, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

>> The Selection Keystroke mentioned in various places inside the
>> definition of Config Blocks seems to have no effect on Menuconfig.
>> Has anyone found a use for these Selection Keystrokes and if so what
>> is it?
> According to the specifications:
> "The item selection keystroke is an uppercased keystroke which will  
> select
> the item in the main menu. The action of selecting the item will  
> depend on
> the item type. For a code or select item
> a pull-down window may be opened to enable the user to select the
> appropriate code. For character item, a single keystroke will be  
> expected.
> for all other types of item, the item will be made available for  
> editing.
> For interactive configuration programs, the selection keystroke has no
> meaning.
> "
> In other wors, what the selkey does will depend on the config program.
> Menu config doesn't seem to take this into account, really.

Ah. You confirm my suspicions. There is no point in setting the  
Selection Keystrokes in a config block unless you know that a program  
other than Menuconfig will be used for configuring it. The whole  
point about the official definition of config blocks was that they  
would (very usefully) allow configuration of all programs containing  
the blocks by the same configuring program. Since Menuconfig does  
this why use other programs and what are they anyway?

All my programs which can be configured assume that Menuconfig (or  
its younger sister, Config) will do the job.

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