> Rich Mellor wrote:
>> Does anyone have a copy of the following Computer One languages on 
>> disk
>> (or working microdrive copy) - :
> I could have sworn that someone did a scan of the Computer One 
> Pascal
> manual and put it online some where.  I think  I was the one that
> donated the manual to the project.
IIRC it was Derek Stewart who sent it to me and there is a copy of the 
C1 Pascal manual as a PDF on my website (Languages page) and it's 
about 1.8MB in size. The Pascal program itself is there too, Tony 
Cheal gave someone (Jean-Yves Rouffiac perhaps?) permission to release 
it as freeware.

I have a copy of the Computer 1 Assembler version 2 if that would be a 
help to you. (IIRC that has never been released as freeware...stand to 
be corrected...should be OK to send you a copy to repair your own copy 
I guess.) Amazingly, after all these years the C1 assembler still 
works on modern systems, I still use it to reassemble old extensions 
as it's quite good at that, and fairly tolerant of assembler style, as 
long as you remember to put semi colons before comments.

The Computer One Monitor was also released by Tony Cheal of C1 to be 
Freeware. It's on the Assembler page on my website.

I'll have to have a look if I've got any more of the C1 products, 
although I don't think so.

Dilwyn Jones

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