Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>> Rich Mellor wrote:
>>> Does anyone have a copy of the following Computer One languages on 
>>> disk
>>> (or working microdrive copy) - :
>> I could have sworn that someone did a scan of the Computer One 
>> Pascal
>> manual and put it online some where.  I think  I was the one that
>> donated the manual to the project.
> IIRC it was Derek Stewart who sent it to me and there is a copy of the 
> C1 Pascal manual as a PDF on my website (Languages page) and it's 
> about 1.8MB in size. The Pascal program itself is there too, Tony 
> Cheal gave someone (Jean-Yves Rouffiac perhaps?) permission to release 
> it as freeware.
> I have a copy of the Computer 1 Assembler version 2 if that would be a 
> help to you. (IIRC that has never been released as freeware...stand to 
> be corrected...should be OK to send you a copy to repair your own copy 
> I guess.) Amazingly, after all these years the C1 assembler still 
> works on modern systems, I still use it to reassemble old extensions 
> as it's quite good at that, and fairly tolerant of assembler style, as 
> long as you remember to put semi colons before comments.
> The Computer One Monitor was also released by Tony Cheal of C1 to be 
> Freeware. It's on the Assembler page on my website.
> I'll have to have a look if I've got any more of the C1 products, 
> although I don't think so.
Thanks - I now have Pascal and the Monitor - just Forth to go.

It would be nice to get Forth released as freeware too - I think the 
only other version was the one sold by Digital Precision and no idea who 
wrote that and therefore could release the copyright.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

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