Just a reminder that the Birmingham workshop is this weekend.

We have some distinguished guests:

The full Quanta committee (Dare I say the full Monty?)

Three traders: Tony Firshman, Roy Wood and Rich Mellor

Two semi-traders: Dilwyn Jones and Just Words!

Three first rate presenters:

Simon Goodwin on creating a fast modern QDOS system using entirely free 
software including QL emulators - a new version of one is just off the press.

Dilwyn Jones with a QL on a Stick - suck it and see.

Geoff Wicks with Mapping Ancient and Modern ending with a sneak preview of a QL 
programming breakthrough.

And a chance to win Simon's competition. (Details in my email of 24th 

Sadly only two punters have so far announced their intention to attend.

Best wishes,

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