Norman Dunbar a écrit :

> How on Earth did you get around the repeating keys - I find it
> impossible to type anything at all.

As I said, I ha that problem once, but it went away pretty quicly, I 
don't really remember how, but maybe when upgrading to ther latest wine, 
it already had gone by the time I wrote the article about it in Ql Today.
 > (It says Wine
> version is on the DVD)

OK, so get 0.9.52

I found it easiest to follow the links on the winehq page, download the 
.rpm file and then double click on it, which calls YAST and does the 
whole installation automatically.

>> I've also found that running QPC in a window rather than fullscreen 
>> makes a difference.
> I always run it in a Window, even on Windows! Usually 800 by 640.

OK, try it the other way around, just to make sure, - you will find the 
grapgics slowness then, though.

> I'm most definitely a KDE user. We have Gnome at work and I absolutely
> loath and detest it. Should be wiped from the planet in my (humble?)
> opinion!! ;-)

I was of the same opinioon till I stumbled upon the mac4lin thing, which 
is pretty cool, I think.

>> There is no reason why this should work here and not with you!
>> Which Linux are you using (I use Suse).
> OpenSuse 10.3 and all patches applied up until today!
OK, same here, so we will get this sorted out!

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