P Witte wrote:
Well, Ive joined the eeePC club with a (black) 4G surf. This looks like it could be fun!

My only real complaint so far is the low resolution (800x480 is rather cramped) and the power consumption/battery life is pretty miserable, nominally 22W/3.5 h.

Oh yes: and the occasional buzz of the fan..

Despite all that it does a remarkable job with browsing, office, skype, photos, music and even video (given an external, USB DVD or HDD).

and Windows networking, plugging in and out devices such as USB drives, SD discs, USB mice, DVD RW, external HDD..


Ive also tried installing Wine, which seems to have worked on the whole, but Im having some problems. The only details I can find on this operation at present are at http://www.eee-pc.fr/2008/02/11/wine-windows-eeepc/ My problems may relate to the fact that I dont understand a word of French (except couchette (or however you spell the name of a bed on a sleeper train between Paris and London. Long, sad story.. :(( However, couchette doesnt seem to figure in these instructions, so apart from the bash I am left abashed. Perhaps someone can help? This could be of use to thousands of eeeQLers all over the planet!

Actually Id only forgotten to include the key file (doh!) It works!

- after a fashion.

It boots my system more or less unchanged from my PC environment!

The first character or so I type at a SB console gets repeated about 10 times; the following characters are ok if I dont wait too long. So starting a line by typing space makes it possible to work with - just.

Repeated characters also occur in other programs, such as Quill

Quill graphics are garbled, destroying what you type at the display.

Menu-driven programs seem to work ok, including D-Miner and Qwirc.

No sound yet, and everything seems a bit jerky, though not awfully slow. I think tweaking will help with some of that.

After the first few minutes, Id say this is looking hopeful.

Two things arise from this: Wine seems to have come a long way since Marcel last had a rather disheartened go. (I mean, if I can manage to install Wine and QPC2 in a couple of hours (in fact only a few minutes had I not gone on an unnecessary bug hunt) with the help of French documentation then that must be considered an idiot-proof and painless procedure.) Improving compatibility would mean that QPC2 could be viable under Linux at no extra cost - and no Windoze in sight! That might attract the odd upgrader.

The other is that the eeePC makes a potentially fun and possibly useful thingamajig for the liberal (as opposed to fundamentalist/purist ;o) QL enthusiast!

Provided the niggles can be ironed out - or one learns to live with them - whichever comes sooner - Id say this is the best thats happened in the QL world since, ..eh.. well, ages!

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