In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, P Witte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Hi Per,

It seems like you are the "geezer" to do a good review of the eeePC and its capabilities for the QL magazines ... :-)

I guess yall must be slavering after those benchmarks. Well, although theres no harm in slavering a bit, in the interests of public service, Ive just gone and sampled them. Here are the results of my endeavours: (If your email client messes up my nice table, just cut and paste the text into your favourite plain text editor)

                      eee Comparative Benchmarks

                  1         2        3        4        5
              |  eee   |   NB   |   PC   |   QXL  |  SGC/Au|

#                      C68 Dhrystone v2.1

ms/DS          |      47|      24|    10.6|     -  |    -   |
DS/s           |  21,115|  41,632|  93,985|   8,892|   5,000|
VAXmips                |  12,018|  23,695|  53,492|     5.1|    -   |

#                      GCC Dhrystone v2.1

ms/DS          |      37|      19|     8.5|        |        |
DS/s           |  26,724|  53,419| 118,204|        |        |
VAXmips                |  12,018|  23,695|  53,492|        |        |

#                      Bogomips v1.4

bogomips       |   28   |   58   |  165   |         |   13.8|

1) eee PC, 4Gb Surf, nominally 900MHz, but possibly only 6-700MHz, running the standard Linux, latest Wine and QPC2
2) Notebook, 1.2GHz, 600MHz FSB, WXP
3) PC, 2 Core duo, 2.66GHz, Vista
4) QXL 20 MHz under W98 DISP_UPDATE 1,0 (D Santachiara, 28/08/1999)
5) SGC/Aurora/24MHz/4Mb/SMSQ/E2.90/Cache on (JG & P Witte, March 1999)

9 years ago it seems we were happy to put up with a fraction of
the speed of the eee PC!

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