In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Andy Barber wrote, On 9/10/08 19:31:
What is the full Post Code so I can look it up on

You should have googled:

Interestingly, Malcolm misspells it on:
"Borough Welsh Congregrational Chapel"
but Google corrected it.


Hi Tony,

Well spotted !

That "speeling mistook" has been there for ages !

I need to remove the extra "r" .....

Actually, the venue Secretary prefers to have it called just the "Borough Welsh Chapel".

Which, I guess, is more modern.

PS - The building is an architectural gem, for anyone interested in historic buildings.

As is the surrounding area.

Then, again, the Southwark area of London has many preserved features of interest.

Malcolm Cadman
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