Marcel Kilgus wrote:

> Imagine not being able to use QPAC2 anymore because the directory you
> want to navigate to is too deeply nested in the tree.

That was what I had in mind when I suggested that we also change the
directory separator. So if the path is full of '/' (for example) then
those are the new style file system and are handled by new code and if
there are no '/' but '_' then that uses the old style file system.

Ok, I know the whole thing is probably moot, but hey, we can call it
brainstorming and have a bit of fun can't we?

With the 'dual' filesystem in place, old programs carry on with their
device_directory_file_extension and new programs, written to take
advantage, use the new style device/directory/file.extension.

The problem you allude to above is when you have old style programs on a
system with mixed or new style file systems, then they will not cope
with the new style at all - and QPAC2's Files utility will, to all
intents and purposes, be useless.

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