A very good solution. I wonder if this new device could work on a directory path with shortened directory names to maintain more backward computability. For example if one was at root (win1_) and created a new directory called 'ThisisaVeryLongDirectoryName' then the new system device path would be 'win1/ThisisaVeryLongDirectoryName/' but the legacy directory path could be something like 'win1_This01_'. This would be something along the lines that Microsoft took when moving from DOS, only their problem was filename length not path length. All the old directory commands would work on the abbreviated path and a new set of traps and directory navigation commands could be designed to use the new long path such CD and LS.


P Witte wrote:

On the problem of compatibilty with old programs, a workaround is to use some scheme like DEV (or DOS for that matter): You set the dev root to some "real" directory

    DEV_SET 1, win72/dir1/dir2/..dirn/

then Load (in Quill or whatever) dev1_mydoc.doc

BTW that method, given the appropriate underlying mechanisms, would permit a radical revision of the file and directory system without braking too many programs. File manager-type programs would be hit. What a pity that wrappers of the file system are so basic! It makes it so awkward to upgrade. Getting directory information should have been done via procedure calls rather than reading those rigid data structures directly. Any new file system (miracles mat happen!) should get that right (even if it expects to be the last!)

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