In message <>, SMSQ <> writes

Hi Jochen,

I received my copy today, 27th December 2008, in London.

Thanks for the usual good service ... :-)

Another interesting read.

Perhaps with the News item, on Page 5 and Page 6, concerning Quanta sub group web sites ... my site should be nominated best English sub group site, and George Gwilt's site as best Scottish ..... :-)

That way, as there is no other competition, we are both winners !

Seriously, though, the main Quanta web site is a very good start, by Dan Abott; and yet it does not appear to be regularly updated with relevant information as may be expected.

Whilst updating my sub group web page I also discovered that the link to the main Quanta web site had also been changed, without any notice.

Hi everybody,

as I discovered in the past few days that letters within Europe take 10 days or longer (to arrive here), I would like to report that issue 2 of QL Today Volume 13 has been mailed to its readers 12th and 13th of December (as stated also on SMSQ.J-M-S.COM, news section). As I have had feedback from Germany and Belgium already, I expect it to have reached most or all of its readers. At least I hope so. The package to Roy went 10th of December to the UK, so all readers should have been served at the same time.

Feedback is welcome and very important as we like to know what YOU prefer.

Merry X-Mas and all the best for 2009,


Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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