Dave Walker wrote, On 15/10/09 10:04:

I am not sure if the XTC68 will work with long filenames or not.    There is
no such limitation built into the C68 part of the source, but it might be a
limitation of the fact that it is compiled as a DOS console application at
the Visual Studio level?

As to whether it can run on Windows mobile, I cannot see any fundamental
limitation if you have access to a simple Console style window. The system
does not use anything demanding in terms of underlying OS support -
basically just standard file access operations.  Even if that is not
standard with Windows Mobile there is sure to be a 3rd party app that
provides it.   After all we got the software to work on the Psion 3a and
Psion 5 which are far more limiting platforms.

I might see if I can build it to run on my iPhone - that would be of more
interest to me personally.  I am not sure how feasible it is, but as the
underlying OS on the iPhone is Unix based it should be possible without too
much pain I would have thought.  If I do that I would probably add a graphic
front-end to make running it easier.
While I am at it, is there any interest in one of the QL emulators running
on the iPhone/iTouch?   I have been thinking of looking at porting one of
them for some time.

I have an LG KM900 so a Java port would be good (8-)#

It has a staggering 480 x 800 resolution.


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   TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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