
I have an Intel iMac using Snow Leopard networked with a Laptop G4 and an Epson printer, all networked wirelessly to a BT Modem.
No problems with Airport either.
I cannot speak about Microsoft emulation because I have no use for it.
Most of the problems were with printer drivers.
Apple supplied Gutenprint replacements and the old Epson driver had to be removed first. Epson are now supplying updated printer drivers but many will not be available until well into November. I have been using Gutenprint drivers for three years and they are far superior to the standard drivers produced by the manufacturers.
They are available in Mac or PC versions.

John Taylor

On 26 Oct 2009, at 14:49, gdgqler wrote:

On 26 Oct 2009, at 14:43, Darren Branagh wrote:

Good point Dil, never used this one myself.

Plus, for Mac users with a bang up to date Mac (ie. not me!) if you
have a Intel chip Mac, as opposed to a power PC based system, you can
just use Bootcamp or Parallels, Vrtual PC or similar, and run Windows
XP/Vista/7 on the Mac - and I would think QPC should run on that, ie.
an emulator running on an emulator?

Steve Reyal has a new Mac running vista - very quickly too - care to
try QPC on it Steve??

It seems however that almost everyone who has the latest OS X (Snow Leopard) has very poor, or no, wireless connection through Airport. Ethernet will work though.

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