Op Mon, 14 Jun 2010 18:14:29 +0300 schreef Rich Mellor
Oddly enough many years ago, I wrote a small utility which allowed you
to set the floppy format to use
On SMSQ/e for Super Gold Card, if you did FORMAT 'flp1_test*H' on a High
Density disk, or FORMAT 'flp1_test*E' on a Extra Density disk, that
worked fine.
But if you tried FORMAT 'flp1_test*D' on a Double Density disk after
using one of the above commands, the format always failed!
As far as I know formatting DD under SMSQ/E for the Super Gold Card has
been broken since version 2.93.
Files can be read but writing locks up the machine.
I hardly use DD's anymore but if needed, I start my QL or Aurora under
QDOS. I even find ED formatting more reliable there.
I have never formatted floppies from QPC before but I tested it just now
with QPC2 v3.34 & Vista to a USB drive.
Formatting, writing to and reading from a HD or DD disk went without
problems, only a bit slow.
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