Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 15/Jun/10 20:16 | Jun15:
I may not raise my head above th e parapet too much. I am in the
throes for finishing my Album - those who are interested can get a
taste at
Seems a mite borken (whoops - but because that was a superb accidental
mistype I will leave it).  I am getting "Sorry....." messages and the
CD link does nothing.
I did manage to listen to it, or rather I did the second time when I realised my speakers weren't switched on the first time...doh, beware ex broadcast techie at work :o(

Temporary glitch evidentally. Working now.
Mind you sound (and therefore CD) is not the best media. You have to *see* as well as hear. His outfits, makeup, acting and effects (as well as singing and playing) are superb.


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