In message <>, Norman Dunbar <> writes

So, iPad like devices will succeed all of the above, and we will all be
using them as they get more capable.
Nope. iPad like devices may catch on - they didn't when they were called
Tablet PCs way back. I admit the technology wasn't as advanced and
mobile phones hardy even existed then. However, in the long run, I
predict, that there will be iPad like devices and maybe lots of them,
but the PC - in all it's guises - will still be dominant.

PC's will only remain popular - as a mass market - as long as the industry supports their manufacture.

Once the "game" moves elsewhere, they will be more of the technological history.

I, like you, will probably still use them - as we do the QL ( which is no longer manufactured ) - probably because we like all sorts of technology and we know how to use them.

After all, the iPad has been here before, remember this ? There were even Compaq (I think)
versions from before 2000.

Anyway, I still awaiting your dream ideas for the QL21 ... :-)
If I had any, then we'd end up with a Linux based Laptop running QPC!

Yes, OK then ... what will be the 21st Century specification of this Linux based laptop ?

No need to be practical, right now ... just dream what it might be ..... :-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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