Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 1/Jul/10 13:18 | Jul1:
Anton Preinsack wrote, on 1/Jul/10 12:53 | Jul1:
Finally I found the time to look into the material I filmed on the QL show in Austria and made a little video.

You can see the video here:


That *looks* good.
I know he does not want to appear, but it is "Wolfgang Lenerz"

.... but what a relief when the background music stopped, for a short time!

He he, it was quite interesting to see the rare hardware, especially the 25-year old QL with built in 68020 board!

And Wolfgang tries to adopt the Ostrich Approach by hiding from the camera by covering his eyes with his hands!

Interesting to hear Urs talking with Tony Tebby about the QCF card proposal, but the audio wasn't clear, I couldn't make out much of what he was saying, unfortunately.

He wanted a CF card interface that was plugged in and became a QL device, much like Romdisq.

My input at some time in this conversation was to mention the USBWiz interface (containing a FAT formatted CF card) that Adrian Ives is working on.
This though is serial and needs QL driver from another medium.
He is still working on this. He was adapting existing driver code, but finds that will cannot work, so is having to start the driver from scratch.


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