Am 01.07.2010 um 14:18 schrieb Dilwyn Jones:

>> Anton Preinsack wrote, on 1/Jul/10 12:53 | Jul1:
>>> Finally I found the time to look into the material I filmed on the QL show 
>>> in Austria and made a little video.
>>> You can see the video here:
>> That *looks* good.
>> I know he does not want to appear, but it is "Wolfgang Lenerz"
>> .... but what a relief when the background music stopped, for a short time!
>> Tony
> He he, it was quite interesting to see the rare hardware, especially the 
> 25-year old QL with built in 68020 board!

Yes, indeed. It was very exciting for us to switch this machines on (some of 
the hardware wasn´t in use for 15 to 20 years). And it worked, That´s quality;-)

> And Wolfgang tries to adopt the Ostrich Approach by hiding from the camera by 
> covering his eyes with his hands!

I didn´t know, that Wolfgang is so camera-shy. I was very late on this day and 
wont miss the opportunity to film this historical moment. It is not a ordinary 
situation (at least for me) to have Tony Tebby, Tony Firshman, Urs, Wolfgang 
and Marcel in one room talking about new hardware. So I  rushed in with my 
camera (and Wolfgang was in panic).

> Interesting to hear Urs talking with Tony Tebby about the QCF card proposal, 
> but the audio wasn't clear, I couldn't make out much of what he was saying, 
> unfortunately.

Yes, unfortunately the acoustic wasn´t very good in this room and I used inly 
the intern micro. Urs talked only about the basic idea: There are many 
collectors/retro-fans, who buy QLs from ebay and have the problem, that they 
can´t use QL-programs downloaded from the internet on their machines (at least 
not in an easy way). So this QLs were collected but not used. Urs hardware 
would be an easy way to transfer files from the internet to a real QL. I will 
upload a new version of the video and will try to make the sound in this scene 

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