On 13/09/2010 16:05, QL-Mylink wrote:
Re: Malcolm's -


I've noticed some inconsistent handling of text files in QPC2. The
problem was reading text files with both carriage return and line feed
at the end of line. Several programs could read these files from the
qxl.win drive without complaint. However the same file being read from a
dos or ram drives caused problems. One particular program that got upset
was the GST assembler.  I finally tracked the problem down to the
io.flin trap. It was converting the carriage return to a line feed, but
only on the win drive. Is there any switch to change this behaviour and
have it working on all drives? Or is this a bug?


Thank you Malcolm. You've revealed a previously unkown scource of some of my historical headaches.

Best wishes,

John in Wales  _______________________________________________
QL-Users Mailing List

I've now located the code that does the character replacement in dv3_dv3_buff_asm. However I can't seem to get QMON into supervisor mode using LS. Maybe it's just my copy of QMON or I'm doing something stupid (quite possible).


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