I found the font you are using a bit spicy :)

Sent from my iPad

On 22 Dec 2010, at 21:08, Billy <bill.wa...@btinternet.com> wrote:

>>> To get back on subject, I find retirement not quite the financial
>>> challenge I feared and hope to contact Jochen to resubscribe QLToday
>>> soon.
>> I'm sure Jochen will be glad to hear that. Does retirement mean more
>> QL time for you?
>> (There, back on topic, and changed the Subject for Ralf!)
>> Dilwyn Jones
>  Well certainly over the last month there have been many days when I could do 
> nothing else.
> I do a bit of seasonal work  for my old employer and then there is our local 
> U3A and restoration of a 1959 650 BSA but it's to cold in the shed for that 
> too.
> I have over the last month at last had time to get to grips with Qprint and 
> have printing from Archive sussed as well as the newer QL progs (Qspread,QD 
> and such) still not Quill for some reason.
> I have the latest version of Qprint, it does seem to pop up sharper.
> I only seem to have one font that I can use though (Currier), probably due to 
> the Lexmark printer,unless I'm missing something, I have the fonts that came 
> with Qprint in the same directory as QPC and Qprint.
> I've have been looking at Epson SX series ( ink cost per page are about a 
> third of the Lexmark) Kodak even less.
> Wondered if anyone had any experience of these printers
> All the best - Bill
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