On 31/12/2010 09:27, Tony Firshman wrote:
QL-MyLink-DT wrote, on 30/Dec/10 20:50 | Dec30:
I know.. I know... Dilwyn said "hasn't"!

But, as I'm John in Wales and West of Chester.....

I report that I recieved my QUANTA yesterday (Wednesday), bearing an
trail' -

Manchester 07.08 pm. etc. etc. On which date? aaah... that's far too
smudged to read - even with a magnifier. Funny that - everything else is

It's Quite Logical; they know you're onto it Dilwyn! :-)

Happy New Year to All

We need to hear from someone North of Forth (8-)#


As someone from oop North (like) I'm a little surprised you folk down there know that anyone actualy lives North of the Forth (:-).
Our postie is getting a little more regular (he he -just re read that)
My Quanta is delivered via Thunderbird, although I'm still getting funny linefeeds perhaps Thunderbug might be more apt. Anyway as I'm wittering on about nothing in particular I'll share this with you. Was talking to a couple who lived in a very small village (hamlet really) in 1963 when snow was as bad if not worse than this year ( eight foot drifts ) they walked about eight miles in the snow to the nearest post office to get the mail for their village walked back and around said village delivering the letters and packages, there was mail for every one except themselves

All the best - Bill
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