On 31/12/10 13:22, Norman Dunbar wrote:
>>> each one with spaces), and although I'm sure I could write such a
>>> converter, why do so if there's already QL code to do just that?
> And then you have cells with COLSPAN and/or ROWSPAN to cope with!
> And table captions....
And then the stuff that can't be represented as is :

&quote, &amp, &gt, &lt etc . These will need translating out of the text
first before checking the lengths.

I'm seeing more and more reasons why, perhaps, there are so few
converters that actually cope!


PS. I promise not to put any more downers on this thread!

Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
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