On 07/01/11 09:20, Tony Firshman wrote:
Derek Stewart wrote, on 7/Jan/11 07:28 | Jan7:
On 04/01/11 15:48, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
- Maybe we can get back onto a new discussion topic, as to how you
would do this...

- QPC2, QXL and QLAY can all access the same QXL.WIN file - but I
don't think they can at the same time...
- QXL and the QL can use the ZX Network (alongside the Spectrum
- QPC2, QLAY, QXL, Q40, Q60, Thor XVI, QL and Q-emuLator could all
potentially talk via a serial cable - but how would you set this up
as a network (sernet maybe?)
Sernet quite possibly (and slowly perhaps). You'd need a cable which
formed a circle rather than simple serial cables from one computer to
another as you would with a two computer network.

The Sernet manual says: With 3 or more machines, you have to wire your
own cables so that all output signals from one machine are connected
to the input signals of the next machine and so on, to form a complete

You might also need a different version of Sernet software - I'm sure
I remember Bernd Reinhardt saying that current sernet_rexts can only
handle a 2 machine system, but a multi-station version was possible
and available from him.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

I used to have 4 machines running on Sernet, Q60, QPC2, QXL, Sinclair QL
Trump Card.

The serial network only work at the lowest Baud Rate. On the QL only
9600 Baud is reliable.

So the best connection is Q60-QPC2 or QPC2-QPC2 which will run at 115200
Baud, faster then the QL Network.
Or I used a QXL as a QL Net Server connected to Sernet, which ran at
38400 Baud. Then this allowed all QL networked
machines to be accessible over Sernet at faster speeds.

... with standard QL hardware presumably. I am surprised that even 9600 was possible. I suspect it was because sernet did its own speed control (handshaking). I wonder what the effective throughput was - a lot less than 9600 I expect. The bottleneck is the QL input via the 8049. Hermes increased reliable speed to 19200, but the net input max was about 14400.

With superHermes for both input and output, the theoretical limit is 460800 bps (I think). All academic though as a QL with SGC could only process at max of about 70kbps.

Can sernet be used with sH ser3?


I think that SER3 on Superhermes could be used on Sernet, but the driver code would have to be altered to work with sernet.

Is the SER3 source code availble.



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