Morning all,

I've written a small demo program to show the things that happen when an
application sub-window is hit in a PE program. The program has a window
containing a single application sub-window.

The hit routine does nothing more than this:

ahit0   movem.l d1/d3/d5-d7/a0/a4,-(a7) ; Save the workers
        moveq #0,d1               ; D1.W = Application sub window number
        moveq #0,d2               ; D2.W = Ink colour
;                                   A4 already set to Working definition
        jsr wm_swapp(a2)          ; Set channel id (A0) to the subwindow

        movem.l a1-a2,-(a7)       ; A1 gets corrupted
        lea hit,a1                ; Text string to print
        move.w ut_mtext,a2        ; Print string vector
        jsr (a2)                  ; Print the message

        lea hitter,a1             ; Hit counter location
        move.w (a1),d1            ; Hit counter value
        addq.w #1,d1              ; Increment counter
        move.w d1,(a1)            ; Save counter
        move.w ut_mint,a2         ; Print integer vector
        jsr (a2)                  ; Print it

        movem.l (a7)+,a1-a2       ; Restore

        movem.l (a7)+,d1/d3/d5-d7/a0/a4 ; Restore the workers
        moveq #0,d0               ; No errors

; Strings and things go here

hitter  dc.w 0                    ; How many times have I been hit?

hit     dc.w hit_e-hit-2          ; Hit message
        dc.b 'HIT: '
hit_e   equ *

Now, when run I notice the following "foibles":

1. The hit code is called when the pointer enters the sub-window, and
each time it moves within the sub-window.

2. Pressing the TAB key, which activates the sub-window, the counter
increases by TWO and not one.

3. Pressing the F1 key also increases the count by two.

4. Other keys, I have not tested everything, increment the counter by one.

There are no menus or anything in the sub-window, it is used simply as a
display area by the program, aub-window menus come in a later article!

Another question, I only have a single sub-window. If I comment out the
call to WM_SWAPP in the hit routine, I still see my output in the
sub-window, but it is not cleared before hand. (I can live with this)
but when I was writing PE stuff using SuperBasic and EasyPTR 3, I always
had to set the channel to the sub-window (or info window or whatever)
before I could write to it.

So, My further queries are:

1. Do I need to call WM_SWAPP if I only have one sub-window or can I
assume that the channel id always refers to the sub-window regardless
unless I explicitly set it to a loose item or whatever?

2. If I have two or more sub-windows, does the channel id, by default,
point at the first - I haven't tested this yet - If I don't call WM_SWAPP?


PS. The above has been noticed running on QPC under Wine on Linux. I'm
attempting to run it under Windows (in an emulator) to see what happens

Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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