Hi George,

> The hit routine is called by PE in many cases. For example the manual says 
> "If there is no keystroke, or the keystroke is not the selection keystroke 
> for a loose menu item or an application sub-window, then, if the pointer is 
> within a sub-window, the hit routine is called, or else the loose menu item 
> list is searched to find a new current item". F1 causes an event and so will 
> cause the hit routine to be called.
I presume this means that the F1 (or TAB) keystrokes are causing a HIT
when the key is pressed and then another HIT when the event is raised?
Although I'm not sure which event might be being raised for the TAB key.

> Commenting out WM_SWAPP is not a good idea. When I tried this program, or 
> something very like it, HIT appeared in the main window. However, accessing 
> the application window by a selection key caused HIT to appear in the 
> application window. Obviously, the PE redefines the window area depending on 
> where it finds the pointer.
Well, in my example, if the pointer is outside of the sub-window,
nothing happens to call the HIT code regardless. It's only a HIT when
the pointer is within the sub-window area, or I press TAB to activate
the sub-window.

> You have to use WM_SWAPP
No problem.

>> 2. If I have two or more sub-windows, does the channel id, by default,
>> point at the first - I haven't tested this yet - If I don't call WM_SWAPP?
> No
Again, no problem.

Thanks for your help, as ever.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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