In message <>, Plastic <> writes

PvZ is very suited to the QL, since it's just a 6x10 grid. It doesn't need
the fancy graphics. However, obviously, it would need to be changed
somewhat... Shielding against UFOs or something.

I'm also considering a block move type game, where you have to push blocks
around to reach things or toggle switches to open exit doors to get to the
next level. That can get fiendish really fast.

The main problem I'm having with the ATC sim idea is that I would need to
design and use a custom miniature font, and then draw it somewhere else,
then AND/OR it into the video display to allow planes to overlap, since
there's no transparent backgrounds in QDOS. Also, it's a fairly small screen
area, so... To get ten planes and the beacons and the flight tags and the
strips up is.... hefty. Also, the average QLer is now in their 40s or 50s,
and won't publicly acknowledge their eyesight isn't as good as it used to be

Someone suggested I do an eBook reader. Any merit to that?

A couple of people have asked me if I'd do some classic card games as a
bundle... Like patience etc, but maybe that's been overdone already.

I guess a first start could be to write my own font editor (I find it
terribly quant that y'all still call it "fount".)

One thing I considered, for when I have a TCP/IP stack, is a telnet-based
multi-user BBS - but that's definitely a later project!

I have previously written a web server that allowed server side includes in
BASIC - that was what I'd half done when I got distracted before and left
the scene. The principles of that would port VERY nicely to SMSQ/E but not

I have also written a SAS US payroll app for calculations of federal and
state taxes, pensions etc, with basic incentive compensation management...
It's just a shame the userbase is so small because something like that is
very customizable for US/UK businesses, even though their tax systems
operate in quite different ways. However, that's a commercial project and
doesn't come under "personal, non-profit use" (batts eyelashes at Daniele)

Anyone want to throw any other ideas into the mix?

My real heart's desire is, ironically, a hardware/software project, to put
together a package of an ARM-based embedded computer with Linux, booting
right into uQLx, so that it is basically a QL. Getting it so it can fit
inside a QL case with PSU and a couple of laptop SATA HDs or compact flash
cards - but that's an ambitious project financially, if not technically, so
it's not on the cards for some time unless a benefactor comes along.


Hi Dave,

An ebook Reader, would actually be quite "cool", and up to date ... a QL like Kindle ... :-) ..... I guess it could be called Qindle?

Your last paragraph ... well yes! An ARM based project ... well we can dream ..... :-)

Malcolm Cadman
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