
I think that there is interest in more games for the QL, but the game idea has probably not enthused many people, as it sounds too simplistic - a bit like the old lunar landing types of games that formed the basis of many a magazine listing in the early 80s.

I would direct you to have a look at some of the games which have emerged in recent years for the ZX80 and ZX81 - see http://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk/zx81/zx81_software.html
and also http://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk/zx80/zx80_software.html

This may give you an idea of the types of games which grab attention.


On 08/02/2011 11:38, Plastic wrote:
Hi all,

Is it that there's no interest in this kind of a graphical game? Or is
anyone interested, but didn't say so?

Anyone have any other game ideas?

I'm fairly confident I can write one fair to decent game per month for the
next six months. I'm sure they'll improve greatly in quality over that time,
too. I'm open to any ideas...


On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Plastic<plasticu...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Hi all,

I had a game idea back in the 80s. I feel like it might be a good followup
project after the flight sim, but the idea is fun so I thought I would share
it here and see what others might make of it.

The game occurs in a two-dimensional gravity well. The yellow "sun"
occupies a fixed point in the middle. The green "planet" orbits with an
eccentricity that increases at higher levels. There will be other red bodies
in random orbits too. The objective of the game is to accelerate or
decelerate your ship to match orbits with the goal planet. Other bodies will
affect your path. You must simply match the target's speed and velocity with
a degree of accuracy that increases at higher levels. There will be a time
and/or fuel limit.

This game employs the N-body problem of gravitational bodies. I programmed
the N-body problem in SuperBASIC in the 80s and will be able to recreate it
fairly easily.

I think it would be quite "cool" and "playable" and would be 100%

Does anyone have any ideas to add to this, or suggestions?

If you contribute ideas/code with this thread, I will presume you're
sharing your ideas with the whole community and that I or others may freely
use your ideas. Code, however, would only be used by explicit permission.

When the game is completed, I will release it to the community, for free,
with source.


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