In message <>, Plastic <> writes

Hi Dave,

Your phase "QLing on a tumble dryer" would make a great book title ... :-)

I have a US QL, therefore I have a US QL PSU ;) Though I am capable of
building a replacement PSU if needed, or converting a UK to US PSU. Also, US
houses have 110v and 220v circuits, so 220v is available if I get really
stuck (and don't mind QLing on the tumble dryer). The 50/60Hz issue is a
non-issue. I would just replace the smoothing capacitor with a slightly
larger one.

As for the display modes...I would definitely prefer to use a UK/EU spec QL.
I'm only aware of two US QL users and they're both ex-pats anyway, I think


PS: and I am looking for the PSU, and not finding it. Fate, it mocks me.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Malcolm Lear <> wrote:

On 07/02/2011 17:21, wrote:

-- From memory (as both D-Day MKII and War in the East took account of the
-- difference in these ROMs), the JSU still manages 512x256 pixels, but
-- graphics characters (founts) are smaller than on the European QL.

The QL Technical Manual says:

"This is different for countries where the television system is NTSC,
which permits the use of fewer raster lines than PAL. In QLs for such
countries, the following options are the defaults:
For monitor operations, a 50Hz 624 non-interlaced system is used; this is
the same system as is used on the English QL. The full 512x256 pixel display
is available, and the default windows and character size are the same as for
the monitor mode on an English QL.
For TV operation, a 60Hz 524-line non-interlaced system is used in which
the number of raster lines is limited to 192. In order to ease the task of
software conversion, an alternate display font is provided which allows a
6x8 character square instead of the usual 6x10. This ensures approximately
the same number of visible rows of text on both PAL and NTSC QLs, at the
cost of true descenders and reduced vertical spacing. The default windows
and graphics scaling for TV operation are different from those of the
English QL."

so it looks like only the TV modes would be different from European boxes.


 Yes, the Mess emulator suggests that this is the case. The vertical
timing and font is dependent on the F1/2 selection on bootup. Once in 624
50Hz mode you should be OK both in mode 4 and 8.


Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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