All this talk is making hunger for an SGC not having seen or used before, are 
there really none out there or not ever being made?
- Back to the QL-
  > On 22/02/2011 00:12, Dave Park wrote:
  >> On Feb 21, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Tony Firshman<>  wrote:
  >>>> And, have a good insulating backing plate, because there's nothing worse
  >>>> than 40 amps of 12V shorting onto something metal in the case, or worse, 
  >>>> something on a PCB...
  >>> Oh yes there is - a wet tongue.
  >> Oh really? Wet tongued heal. Fried QLs do not self-repair. ;)
  > Though prolly not if they've had 40A @ 12V (480W) through them.......
  > Mind TBH, if I where powering QL+addons from an ATX I'd prolly put 
apropreatly rated fuses in the cables between PSU and computer, after all the 
sorts of currents that an AT/ATX PSU can supply could under fault conditions 
cause the QL board to catch fire without ever over strainging the PSU......
  > Common misconception: fuses are there to prevent shocks, they're not 
they're there to melt/blow and break the circuit before it can become damaged / 
catch fire.

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