Phill Harvey-Smith wrote, on 22/Feb/11 16:18 | Feb22:
David Tubbs wrote:
At 09:48 22/02/2011 +0000, you wrote:
On the subject of backplanes......

I have one of these :

But alas don't have the little interface board that connects it to
the QL, does anyone have one that can take a couple of high quality
piccies of it, or beter still have a schematic ?

Surely you you just plug it into the QL, mem'expansion or just ribbon

Well yes but perhaps I didn't make it clear, I don't have the small card
pictured on the left of that picture, just the big metal 4 slot
backplane.... and that deffo won't plug directly into the QL the cable's
not long enough.......
... but I wouldn't bother even trying.
This Quad device is about the worst electrically if I remember correctly. It was also pretty bad mechanically.

I don't think they realised how noisy the QL bus was when extended.

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