Adrian Ives wrote:
> But what I would really like is some kind of document that sets out a list
> of things that fall in the category: "This should work under QDOS, it says
> it should, but it doesn't … but we went ahead and fixed it in SMSQ"

Where does it say it should work under QDOS? I guess this wasn't
consciously "fixed" in SMSQ/E, it's probably more a side effect of the
new implementation. And documenting all possible side effects borders
on the impossible, unfortunately.

> This is not just for me, but for any other poor sod who has to try
> developing system level code to run under both platforms. This is
> not the first time that I've encountered things that should work
> under QDOS but don't, yet they work fine under SMSQ.

Supporting QDOS is a pain, yes. That's why I usually just don't do it ;-)

> Further down my list is to start testing under Minerva.  I'm dreading it. :(

Actually, Minerva was a damn good OS, you'll probably have much less
trouble there than with any QDOS version. Seeing that Minerva is free
now I cannot think of a single reason why people even with old black
boxes still use QDOS (nostalgia excluded).


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