Am Samstag, den 12.03.2011, 19:13 +0100 schrieb Ralf Reköndt:
> Tobias Fröschle wrote:
> > (and there's no need to implement a FAT filesystem on the QL)
> ...which maybe has the advantage of true directories...
> Cheers...Ralf 
well, maybe when FAT directories would be used, you'd run into the same
problems with file/directory name ambiguity that QPC has on DOS file
systems - in VFAT, the directory marker "\" is disallowed to being part
of a file/directory name, in QDOS the underscore may well be part of it.
QPC has some (for good reasons) restrictions like not allowing RENAME on
DOS file systems.
All in all, I do think there's worse parts in the QDOS file system than
its directory handling - like the length restrictions for path names (32
characters don't quite fit into the 21st century).


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