Urs Koenig (QL) wrote, on 8/Jul/11 13:02 | Jul8:
I wrote:
TODAY I've got my personal "copy" (well, it's not a copy,
it's an original
unit) of Ser-USB from Memory Lane Computing (Adrian Ives).
After collecting the package at my local post office this
afternoon, all I could do today is unpacking the shipment and
have a first sight on the items in the box. The unit itself
and all the other pieces (cables, power supply, ROMport-Dongle,
etc.) look great. As I did not have more time and there's no
QL available at my current location I had to postpone the
first usage to coming Thursday the earliest.
This is my last post today. Due to workload I had no time to give it a try
yesterday. Fortunately today just before lunch time I hade some minutes to
try. I used the ROM-Dongle version of the driver.

First try was with a standard QL (Issue 5 PCB, AH ROM) without, then again
with expanded RAM (CST RAMplus 512KB). I invoked SER_USB 10 (also tried 11,
256 and 257) but even it refused to connect. I will retry next week with
this QL system to see what was going wrong.
Have you tested the serial port with a loopback lead (pin to pin connection):

15 OPEN #3,ser1h
20 OPEN #4,ser2h
30 FOR j = 75, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
40 PRINT #3,"OK"
50 INPUT #4, j$
60 PRINT "j,j$"
70 END FOR j
80 CLOSE #3
90 CLOSE #4

... and repeat the other way round (ser2 to ser1) - I am too lazy to put it all in a procedure and I forget the syntax for parameter passing!

It is so many years since I have written seriously in SB, that prog probably has errors.

Second try was with another QL (Issue 6 PCB, JM ROM) with HERMES Chip
(version 2.20) and expanded RAM (CST RAMplus 512KB) fitted. I invoked
SER_USB 2 and the device got up and running.

I've made a few pictures which are available in my online Sinclair QL
picture gallery (see link Pictures in message footer) under

Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
       t...@firshman.co.uk     http://firshman.co.uk
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
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