Norman Dunbar wrote:
In SBasic, the format flp1_TEST command works. (At least, using a 720 KB disc it does.) However, it formats to 1.44 Mb rather than 720 KB and it's noisy. There are no HD holes in the floppy - so maybe the drive is lying to QPC/Windows?
Could you try FORMAT 'FLP1_TEST*D' perhaps to try to force it to (re)format it as DD?

Some drives sometimes seem to have no sensors, annoyingly. Or at least none that seem to work.

In the past I've covered holes with sellotape to force one format or another and had mixed success. I never know if floppy drives are going to sense them optically or mechanically.

Windows 7 still to come. ;-)
I'll have to dig my USB floppy drive out to try with this new PC (Win 7 64 bit) because it has no floppy drive.

(Oh dear, Norman just fainted thinking of me let loose connecting a new device to a new PC...)

I still get asked for QL stuff on floppy disks from time to time, so within the QL community I don't foresee being able to manage without floppy disks and floppy drives for a while at least.

Dilwyn Jones

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