On 26/11/11 15:48, pjwitte wrote:
I need to print from QPC2 via QPCPrint using a QL program that doesnt
have any configurable way to translate characters. The text to be
outputted contains "foreign" characters in QL format that dont match up
with the printer's character set.

Whats the simplest way to fix this problem? I need to do it repeatedly,
so it should preferably be quick and transparent to use - and reversable.

Thanks for any tools, tips, reminders..!

I'm not sure about simplest nor do I use QPCPrint, however, can the program to a file or channel that leads to a file. Then run the file through a filter to translate from Ql to Foreign characters.

This could be as simple as a S*Basic program to open the file, read it, translate and print to the actual printer, or to another file that you eventually send to the printer.

You could execute or ex the file to an assembly routine that reads the input, translates it and writes to the output, the output being the printer device or a channel opened to it via QPCPrint?

Good luck.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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