En/Je/On 2011-12-08 20:13, Malcolm Cadman escribió / skribis / wrote :

> Hi Dilwyn,
> It is worth installing Open Office, anyway.
> It has all the features and is easy to use.

Right. Besides, it's risky to use propietary **secret** formats for our
personal documents.  The reasons would be too long to explain here, but anyone
interested can find all the details in the web.

The OpenDocument format is public, an ISO standard, and so it's well
documented, what makes it secure and gives you the freedom to choose the
program you like the most. It's also a warranty for the future.

Both the new LibreOffice (http://libreoffice.org) (which I prefer) and
OpenOffice.org (http://openoffice.org) are great, but there are many others
programs that work with OpenDocument files
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument_software), e.g. the nice and
simpler AbiWord (http://abisource.com).


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