> I just joined your mailing list and have rejoined the QL community after ... 
> umm ... a break of some 25 years :)
> My name is Alison Cassidy, I'm originally from Ireland tho' I'm now living in 
> the US and have been for some 
> years. I'm a diagnostic developer at Apple Inc. and have been working 
> professionally with computer hardware 
> and software for some 26 years now. As a very young teen, I started on 
> Commodore PETs - that would have 
> been 1979 or so. I 'progressed' to the ZX80, 81 Spectrum and ORIC-1. I 
> remember building RAM packs for 
> the ZX series out of my bedroom and selling them on to fellow-nerds at school 
> :) One Summer, I saved 
> up all my cash from my Summer job and blew it all on a new QL. That was in 
> 1984 or so, and my parents 
> were *not* impressed! For my birthday, I remember my aunt and uncle buying me 
> a blank Eurocard and 
> a SP0256 speech chip, and I went on to interface it to the QL, producing, I 
> believe, the first speech 
> synthesizer for the QL.
> Anyways - I managed to pick up a second-hand one on eBay last week. It showed 
> up on my doorstep 
> today and I'm now drowning in a wave of nostalgia. *sigh* :) I've no idea if 
> the thing works or not - 
> it's supposed to - but I'm going to try fire it up later this week. Can't 
> wait to get back into 
> QL programming again!
Welcome back! Good luck with the QL – I have no doubt you’ll get hooked on it 
As you work at Apple, I presume you use Apple computers... You might like to 
know there’s a QL emulator called Q-emuLator which runs on some Macs. It was 
written by Daniele Terdina and you can find details at 
http://www.terdina.net/ql/MacQL.html (he does a Windows version too).
If you need QL reading material (manuals, articles, etc), have a look at my 
website at http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/docs/index.html
There is a dedicated QL magazine called QL Today (www.qltoday.com), and a QL 
user group called Quanta (www.quanta.org.uk).
I think Rich has already posted the URL for his QL Wiki, another great source 
of QL information, together with the QL Forum.
Welcome back, hope you enjoy using your QL after all these years!
Dilwyn Jones
QL-Users Mailing List

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