Hi Alison,

Just when I was getting used to being one of only two QL users still in
Ireland, you had to come along.... :))

Where about where you originally from? I'm willing to guess Northern

We have a former Apple employee in the US who now works for AMD, I think in

Anyway, most of the guys here have beaten me to the info i was going to
send on, if you need and help, just shout - we're a fiendly bunch.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 6:05 AM, Alison Cassidy <coot...@me.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>        I just joined your mailing list and have rejoined the QL community
> after ... umm ... a break of some 25 years :) My name is Alison Cassidy,
> I'm originally from Ireland tho' I'm now living in the US and have been for
> some years. I'm a diagnostic developer at Apple Inc. and have been working
> professionally with computer hardware and software for some 26 years now.
> As a very young teen, I started on Commodore PETs - that would have been
> 1979 or so. I 'progressed' to the ZX80, 81 Spectrum and ORIC-1. I remember
> building RAM packs for the ZX series out of my bedroom and selling them on
> to fellow-nerds at school :) One Summer, I saved up all my cash from my
> Summer job and blew it all on a new QL. That was in 1984 or so, and my
> parents were *not* impressed! For my birthday, I remember my aunt and uncle
> buying me a blank Eurocard and a SP0256 speech chip, and I went on to
> interface it to the QL, producing, I believe, the first speech synthesizer
> for the QL.
>        Anyways - I managed to pick up a second-hand one on eBay last week.
> It showed up on my doorstep today and I'm now drowning in a wave of
> nostalgia. *sigh* :) I've no idea if the thing works or not - it's supposed
> to - but I'm going to try fire it up later this week. Can't wait to get
> back into QL programming again!
> Best regards,
> -- Allie - http://www.alisoncassidy.com
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*Darren Branagh.*
QL-Users Mailing List

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