12th or 13th (M-T) in southeast USA.

Doug LaVerne 37830 USA

-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Martin <storycraf...@gmail.com>
>Sent: Dec 14, 2011 6:24 PM
>To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
>Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QLToday V16 I2
>On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Malcolm Cadman <q...@mcad.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> In message 
>> <EF8854B6-A3B0-4468-9332-**47469a35a...@jdh-stech.com<ef8854b6-a3b0-4468-9332-47469a35a...@jdh-stech.com>>,
>> Jim Hunkins <j...@jdh-stech.com> writes
>> Hi,
>> Received in London today - 13th December 2011 ...
>Drat -- the U.S. is always behind in these things...yesterday evening for
>I suspect the Jet Stream.
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