From: "Norman Dunbar" <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:11 AM
To: <ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] UK Postal Increases

On 27/03/12 19:50, Rich Mellor wrote:
Following the announcement of the new UK postal rates from 30th April, I
have done a quick calculation based on keyboard membranes, our most
popular item.
Those costs increases are diabolical. If the post office aka Royal Mail wants to encourage customers, it should be dropping its prices. Not pricing people away.

Just my £0.02.

Just to bring this back on topic, Quanta members can sleep peacefully in their beds - this year at least.

At the AGM new treasurer, John Gilpin, announced his intention of buying a huge stock of stamps as their present price,

Best Wishes,


PS And what about all us wrinklies losing our tax allowance increases?

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