Hi all,

I've recently started thinking about doing an smsqe emulator
in Java, and finally put my hands to keyboard.

I use an MC68000 emulator by somebody called Tony Headford
(emulator which unfortunately I had to debug quite extensively).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, this is now getting to a point
where I think I could show a very early pre-alpha version
(note the qualifiers) to anybody interested.

The state of the project as it is now:

This is an adapted gold card version - mode 4 only, normal
QL mode 4 screen 512x256), imperfect keyboard handling (probably no
altkeys, ctrl not working correctly),
no mdvs (obviously) or floppies, no win drive, but an "NFA" drive
(Native File access) that allows you to read/write to a native
drive, no mouse or sound.

I've successfully run this basic prog:

10 a=RESPR(40000)
20 LBYTES nfa2_C68dhrystone,a
30 SEXEC ram1_p,a,40000,100000
40 PRINT    "done"

and then exec'd the program from ram1.
Unfortunately, this prog wouldn't work on such a barebone machine
(nor under a simple QPC machine with just these screen sizes)
complaining about some "res" missing,I don't know why.

The emulator is very slow, probably down to the speed of an original Ql. Some of that is certainly due to very imperfect way I
handle screen emulation for the time being.

It runs under an incorporated monitor program.

If anybody is interested in alpha testing this, please drop me
an email with "SMSQUMULATOR" as subject line (in upper case).

You are expected to know how to compile SMSQE since no precompiled
version comles with it.
I'll email the sources as a zip file, so you will need
a working SMSQE to compile the source (it involves running a
simple basic prog...). the sources are about 7 MB, the emulator
is about 1 MB on top of that.

The thing is designed to run under Java 7 , any older version
probably won't cut it.

Don't expect an answer to any email today!!!!!

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