This sounds exciting and worthwhile - is there anything the average
joe can do to support/encourage your work?


On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Dilwyn Jones
<> wrote:
> Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
>> I've recently started thinking about doing an smsqe emulator
>> in Java, and finally put my hands to keyboard.
>> I use an MC68000 emulator by somebody called Tony Headford
>> (emulator which unfortunately I had to debug quite extensively).
>> Anyway, to cut a long story short, this is now getting to a point
>> where I think I could show a very early pre-alpha version
>> (note the qualifiers) to anybody interested.
> Super news! Well done, Wolfgang - my best wishes to you with this project.
> This tallies with something expressed by Chris Zeinstra from Groningen,
> Netherlands last year, who expressed an interest on QL Forum in doing a
> similar project in Java - see
> and
> Interestingly he mentioned the Tony Headford emulator, plus looking into
> "X68000, a Japanese emulator in Java, emulating a popular 68000 micro in
> Japan" (to quote from his posting in September.
> Dilwyn Jones
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