Can anyone explain this?

I have the following line in a program:
: aa$= PEEK$(address,length): UPUT #c3%,aa$

This reads a line from screen memory and writes this to a _pic file on win1_. The ten byte header has already been written to the file channel with BPUT's.
Qlib reported an error "invalid parameter" for UPUT, on my Aurora.
I checked the parameters, aa$ has length and the channel is valid.
The program and this line does work fine on QPC.

I thought it might have to do with the CF-card I use as win1_, where the channel is opened. So I tried my other Aurora, with a real drive as win1_, this gave the same error.
Then I used ram2_ instead and everything worked as it should.
The picture came out fine.

This looks like a Qubide issue to me.


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