Op Mon, 23 Apr 2012 08:50:01 +0200 schreef Urs Koenig (QL) <q...@bluewin.ch>:

Friday, April 23th 1982 - At a press conference at the Churchill Hotel,
Clive Sinclair revealed to the world his new personal computer, the ZX
Spectrum. The rest is history!

Happy 30th birthday anniversary, Speccy!

My birthday present is a video (follow link) for you guys to enjoy!

Sinclair ZX Spectrum
30th Birthday Anniversary 2012
The Movie

Thanks Urs for reminding us, and the nice video.

To add to the celebration I thought, why not let my Speccy out of the box and have a run. Only 5 keys were working, a new membrane was only installed in 2004 and never used! So I replaced it again, with a more recent and better quality one from RWAP.
Now all the keys were working again. :)

But none of my 6 microdrives and 2 IF-1's were able to read any tapes.
Speccy was also deaf to the cassette tape, not even a flicker of the border.
He's showing his age.:(

Anyone still has a working one?


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