Am 23.04.2012 20:09, schrieb Urs Koenig (QL):
Bob Spelten wrote:
Thanks Urs for reminding us, and the nice video.

Anyone still has a working one?
I repaired mine in the weeks before the 2009 QL-Mac-Show in Lucerne to be
able to show the Speccy in action there. It still works since then. Touch

I still have mine - With a keybord made by ICantRemember (tm) (But nice Cherry modules) and an Opus Discovery disk drive. Used to be working until beginning of this year when some C's in the Opus decided to explode and had to be replaced (fortunately, nothing else broke - But it still was a mess to clean all the inside).
But I guess the original membrane has long gone where all dust goes.....

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